Friday, February 12, 2016

My new goat and stanchion

So guess what I got? I got another goat! Meet Ethel!

 I went and picked up a little la manch/boer bottle baby. She is 2 1/2 weeks old, and just so cute! I currently have a nubian mama, Gertrude, and her 4 week old baby, Lucy. Poor little Lucy was lonely, so in comes Ethel.

Anyway, the whole reason i got goats is because I plan on milking them, and making cheese, soap, ect. And to be able to do that, I need a goat stanchion! And so I got online, and after a little looking around, was going to fork out over $200 for one I found on craigslist. Now that's  a lot of money, especially since I am trying to become more frugal and self sustaining by growing and making my own food. Then my amazing husband husband steps up and says it would be much cheaper to just make one. So I jumped on to my favorite goatey site, and found these great plans for a stanchion:

 After a quick trip to home depot, and my husband spending a couple hours being a manly man and building it for me, here we go! Now I am going to be able to milk Gertrude much easier!

The stanchion I had been planning on buying off craigslist was going to cost me $200, and this one only ended up costing us around $50! Much better, wouldn't you agree?

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